1 woman, 1 passion: to bring you quality fabrics and sewing inspiration at great prices.
Behind the creation of Fabric Chicks is me, Hayley. I never really had a hobby until my mum dragged me along to the Festival of Quilts one year, from then on, I have learnt how to crochet, played about with needle felting, completed a home furnishing & dress making course at the local college, started but not finished quilts before starting another one, I tell myself were all guilty of this so it’s fine, although my other half probably thinks differently when I leave them lying around!
I took a huge leap and left my mundane 9-5 job in 2019 to follow my passion. I started working from the back of my parents house in Thornton (Nr Blackpool). In July 2023 I re located and opened a fabric shop in Scarborough.
You can shop online via the website, Facebook or in person.
Fabric Chicks, Unit 20, Market VAULTS, St Helens Square, YO11 1EU.